You're passionate about your business, that's why you need us to protect it

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Business and Legal Strategy

in Entrepreneurship

lawyer meeting client

A Law Firm for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs Like You

We get that legal can be scary or daunting, but it's even worse when you don't understand how it can benefit you.

Heartsong Chakra Framework

Our proprietary framework, The Heartsong Chakra Framework™, has helped many entrepreneurs like you understand the business and legal aspects they need to help protect and build the business of their dreams. The Heartsong Chakra Framework™ is similar to a person's chakra system, but as it is applied to a business. It incorporates things such as business entity foundations, trademarks, copyrights, contracts, and other pertinent aspects of a business.

This means that your legal foundations are covered and you can focus on growing your business feeling safe, secure, and grounded.

Intuitive Insightful Legal

Intuitive, Insightful, Empowering You

It’s not JUST about your contracts and trademarks here. We believe that you and your business are interconnected, and the “legal stuff” can actually reflect our deeper truths. We look at things such as your Human Design profile, your learning style, and long term vision for your business in order for us to build a legal and business strategy for you and your business to follow. We give you tools to help you grow as an entrepreneur and a person, not just the legal stuff.

Feeling out of alignment with yourself can affect your business. Getting your legal done centers you.

Intellectual Property Protection

Intellectual Property Management

There are so many aspects of building a brand, and we help you build it and protect it! We are passionate about helping you create and use your brand assets like trademarks, servicemarks, and trade dress that work together to help you stand out in the world. We're artists ourselves, so we get that building goodwill and recognition for your brand is important.

We work with you to determine what IP assets your business has, how to develop them, and whether or not particular marks should be registered federally or in your state. We counsel you on keeping your trade secrets confidential with contracts, negotiating and drafting license agreements, and devising a strategy as your business grows.

Protecting your business from the beginning gives you peace of mind and builds a strong brand.

Hey there! I'm Shannon, the Heartsong Lawyer.

Shannon Villalba

Using my Heartsong Chakra Framework™ I help high vibe visionary entrepreneurs by creating aligned business and legal strategies so they can make a positive impact in the world.

My clients and colleagues favorably call me the go-to-guide for visionaries seeking heart-centered legal and business counsel and I always say, "follow your Heartsong!" It is my passion to empower entrepreneurs to take themselves and their businesses to the next level, to gain the knowledge they need to succeed, and the mindset that it takes to get them there. From working with solopreneurs to multi-million dollar companies, I understand at the heart is an entrepreneur who wants connection, peace of mind, and to leave a legacy and impact in the world. I aim to help you feel encouraged, safe, and in control while we pursue your dreams. I'm a mom, multi-entrepreneur, cancer survivor and holistic practitioner whose vision is to empower others to do great things!

Frequently Asked Questions

Shannon Villalba intellectual property lawyer

What also makes us unique?

We always offer transparent flat fee pricing. No dubious legal bills from us! We're also a fully virtual firm, and utilize technology to give our clients easy access to our services.

What does intellectual property (IP) encompass?

Intellectual property includes a wide range of creative and innovative assets. It covers copyrights for artistic and literary works, patents for inventions and processes, trademarks for brand identity, trade secrets for confidential business information, and more. Essentially, IP protects your intangible creations and assets.

What's the difference between a copyright and a trademark?

Copyrights protect original works of creative expressions like music, paintings, photographs, and books. Trademarks are logos, names, phrases or other things that identify the source of goods or services.

What's a common law trademark?

A common law trademark is a symbol, slogan, word(s) or name that is used in commerce to indicate the source of goods. These are unregistered marks that become trademarks out of use in a geographic area.

What's a servicemark?

Servicemarks are words, symbols, and slogans that are used to indicate the source of services provided.

How do I enforce my intellectual property rights if they're infringed upon?

Enforcing your IP rights typically involves legal action. Start by gathering evidence of the infringement, such as copies of the infringing work, dates, and communication records. You may pursue cease-and-desist letters, negotiations, or litigation if necessary to protect your rights and seek remedies.

Heartsong Entrepreneur Podcast

Check out the Heartsong Entrepreneur podcast and sign up for our newsletter for legal and business tips and inspiring stories of entrepreneurs listening to their heartsong!

1329 E Kemper Rd. Suite 4100C

Cincinnati, OH 45245

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serving clients virtually nationally and internationally

Licensed in Ohio

© 2024 Villalba Law Firm

This website doesn't give financial or legal advice. The stuff you see here, like text, images, and videos, is just for learning purposes. It's not a replacement for professional advice. We can't guarantee the info is accurate, so use the website at your own risk. Using our website also doesn't create an attorney-client relationship.